Curvy shapes, generous hips and a soft belly are establishing themselves with increasing insistence as the flagship features of the new beauty standard. Curvy women are in fact occupying the fashion and cinema scene, proposing a type of physicality that recalls the fascinating sensuality of the ancient Greek goddesses.

Many celebrities said goodbye to skeletal legs and unnatural lines, starting with actress Kate Winslet, who has always made her curvy physique a source of pride, and singer-songwriter Christina Aguilera, who, after having to face rigid dietary regimes for professional needs, she preferred not to look at the scales and welcome a generous décolleté to be envied.

After the numerous controversies on the female stereotype exalted by the media, according to which being beautiful rhymes with wearing a size 8, the curvy trend underlines how the new  standard of beauty does not enhance being fat, but rather being florid, toned and graceful. And above all, serene and happy with your body and sure of your sensuality.

Science has also contributed to giving a hand to fashion that puts the spotlight on abundant women. Research conducted by Dunham University has in fact shown that it is above all the models and images to which one is subjected to dictate the acceptance of one's body. During the study, some women were shown numerous photos of girls with generous curves, others a substantial corpus of images of particularly slim builds. In the first case, women tended to appreciate more curvy bodies, in the second the more slender ones. Here, then, that it appears with great clarity how often it is not beautiful what you like but what is proposed with greater insistence. To learn to appreciate your body it is therefore important to close the glossy magazines and begin to surround yourself with real women, with a soft belly and hips.

And it doesn't end there: even Mattel, the American giant who produces the doll most loved by girls of all ages, has recently revolutionized the skimpy proportions of Barbie. In fact, dolls have been launched on the market today that more closely resemble real women. Among the six models on the market, there is also the "curvy", with abundant breasts and well-rounded arms. A more human doll, then, but absolutely sexy.
