Positive Thinking: 6 Mental Exercises to Train You to Think Positive


History has shown us on several occasions that those who have a positive outlook on life are also those who generally achieve the most success.And there is no shortage of quotes from great entrepreneurs on the importance of positive thoughts and an optimistic mental attitude.

Personally, changing my mental attitude from negative to learning to think positively has involved a radical change in my lifestyle, both personally and professionally.

The change of mental approach, veering towards positive thinking, has involved going from a series of failures and states of depression related to them to begin to see things getting better and better and constantly growing: to live positive.

Exercises for the mind: how to think positive? Express gratitude!

One of the simplest ways to increase your positivity is to express gratitude.Being aware and grateful for what you have in the present results in an immediate release of the negativity that you may be holding onto without even realizing it. Gratitude puts you immediately in contact with the feeling of love.And where love resides, fear and other negative emotions fail to take root.

The best and most effective way to start this mechanism in your life is to express gratitude every morning.

When you wake up, think about 10 things you are grateful for, 10 ten positive aspects of your life, no matter how small or big these things are, whether they are valid only for you or universally recognizable.This list can be either simply thought within the confines of your mind, or spoken aloud, but it must be detailed and must come from your heart.Closing your eyes can be of greater help in this practice.

Give to others.

Many times negative thoughts arise from the fact that we are too focused only on the negative aspects of our life. You can immediately shift these feelings by unconditionally giving to others.

Share your skills with the people around you. If anyone is looking for advice, help them. Do not hesitate and do not doubt your worth. Even the smallest of shared gestures or thoughts can cause a huge change in another individual's perspective.

Check your breathing.

It is said that those who have the ability to control their breathing have the ability to control their life. In many respects this statement is quite true.

Think of past occasions when you have lost control. What was happening to your way of breathing? In a fit of anger and during a state of anxiety, your breathing becomes short and fast.By controlling your breath you can understand and modify negative emotions by replacing them with pure positive energy.

In a quiet place, or while practicing one of the relaxation techniques we have already talked about, try to follow your breath and become aware of it.As you inhale (through the nose) try to feel the air entering your body and descending down towards the lungs, feel it as it slowly leaves your body (through the mouth) as you exhale and release all tension with it.

Visualize success.

Tapping into your ability to visualize and imagine can be used as a powerful tool to become more positive.Many famous and undoubtedly successful people, such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger, are known for their ability to visualize what they wish to accomplish over the course of their lives.

Why shouldn't you be able to focus on positive thoughts about life?

Start by closing your eyes. Think of a positive event that happened to you in the past. Your mind is able to visualize the event in question exactly as it happened.Put yourself in the middle of that event and focus on the positive emotions that characterized it. When you open your eyes, allow yourself to remain in that positive state of mind. The effects of visualization become amplified with constant practice.In this regard, it will certainly be useful to know these basic techniques of self-hypnosis.


Meditation, among the exercises for the mind, is one of the most effective ways to increase your positivity. The practice of meditation techniques expands awareness within the individual and allows you to establish a connection between mind, body and soul.Through meditation techniques and exercises you can learn to get rid of the negative emotions that drag you down by connecting to your inner self.Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit, lie down, or get into whatever position you feel comfortable in starting the mental exercises. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.As you breathe deeply, try to let go of all the emotions you are holding onto. With each breath you try to let yourself go more and more, and as you let yourself go you realize that everything around you is made of love, allow yourself to live within this love. If you practice these 5 techniques of positive thinking you will be able to connect with the flow of life and you will find more luck than you have ever had.
